The Night When Revelation Came Into My Life

Gepubliceerd op 7 februari 2025 om 04:28

I can't sleep, taking a walk on the city streetsTime's almost four o'clock in the morningThinking back on my life, I've done so many stupid things,Feels like a heavy burden is hanging over meTurning my head up to the stary skyWhose finger has done this? - I wonder whyGuilt is a high price to payI wish someone could help me take it awayFeel so lonely in the night,And even if the stars are shining brightI feel I have to be forgiven, born again and free

I'm walking with a million questions

I had to cry out from my heart:"Please God if You're there, help me,I don't know where to start!"And there on the street that night,A silent voice spoke right into my life, said:"Don't live for yourself anymore,lay down your life for Me"Those words hit me where I stood,And I just knew it was the truth,And with a joy I never felt before I said:"I accept you Lord!"Tears was fallin' from my eye,I must have been a funny sight,but I didn't care, cause I was freeJesus was there together with me

I didn't know You were so close to me

I know You were hanging on the cross for meI know You died for meAnd I love You, I love YouI know Your blood was shed for meAnd I love you

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