Theme: Faith in Jesus Christ healed me!
The faith in Jesus is like we all know i think: It is a precious gift from God. It is nothing to be boastful about, for we don't gained it ourselves! And this faith in Jesus saved my life more then once.
From what, you may ask? Well.... take a seat.
Ive been freed by Jesus Himself from:
* Chronical depression + suicide thoughts (for that kinda thoughts don't come from our own; they are demonic) The Lord helped me through my husband who asked the right questions and the Lord did the rest of what needed to happen.
* Jesus wore me through psychosis - saved me from death twice!
* I was healed from the nasty aftermath of psychosis and depression - for I had huge damage in my memory + i could not stand the sound of music nor I could watch movies for example.
The Lord teached me to trust in Him deeply back then and I dared to ask Him to heal me please, and He did! In a proces He healed my head from inside out step by step so I can watch movies and listen even back again to metal music and enjoy it again! Great is the Lord Jesus! The damage in my memory is not 100% better, i don't know if it will be 100%, I think that it might be for a reason it is not healed for 100% yet, but i think around 75 % it is healed. For I remember slowly more and more and I am able to not only on longer term but on shorter term too remember things and give a feedback which was impossible to think some months ago!
My dear Lord , how much HE loves me!
Well, these things are the most high ranked from all to share right now. I cannot remember everything, maybe there are more things maybe not, it doesnt matter. I don't share this to brag, because the faith in Jesus (again said) is a GIFT from God! A precious gift what started in me by accepting from Him the good news , the Gospel.
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